Purpose-Based Career Coaching & Training
Discover the career that brings you greater meaning
Do you want to feel a greater sense of purpose and meaning in your work? You might be feeling frustrated, burned out, or simply uninspired by the work you do. You know that you are meant to do more or something different with your life. Imagine making a difference with work that fulfills and expresses all of you.
We offer several coaching and training programs, with a complimentary Discovery session to determine the best approach for your situation, challenges, and goals. Then we’ll design a personalized program to get you where you want to go.
Programs for Purpose-Based Career Change:
Purpose-Based Career Change
Match Your Career Path To Your Purpose
Do you want a career that brings meaning and a sense of purpose, but feel stalled in unfulfilling work?
Imagine making a difference in a way that fulfills your life purpose and reaps rewards that reflect the value you bring.
The Purpose-Based Career Change program is designed specifically for leaders who want to make a meaningful difference but don’t know the best career move to make that happen.
This career coaching program is for you if you:
- Know your current career isn’t aligned with your purpose and values
- Feel you are meant to make a difference
- Need greater clarity of purpose and direction in order to contribute in a meaningful way
- Want to increase the strength of your intuition for making life and career decisions
Imagine making a great living while contributing in a way that expresses your unique purpose
All it takes is inner alignment, deep listening and building your path one step at a time.
- When you learn how to enroll the parts of your psyche that are resisting the change you want to make, all of your capacities become available. By being willing to approach your resistant parts with curiosity and compassion, you can become fully resourced, become more than the sum of all your parts, and fulfill your highest purpose.
- When you learn how to dialogue with your own trusted source of inner guidance about how to express your purpose through your career, your priorities become crystal clear. Most people carry an artificial split between their intuition and their professional life, and only access their inner wisdom for their personal life. The change is dramatic when you combine the best of intuition and analysis for practical decisions that impact your career.
- When you learn how to live your purpose as your day job, you will be more motivated, more skilled, and more fulfilled than with anything else.
These shifts can be achieved in a very short period of time with a structured approach that provides support every step of the way.
The Purpose-Based Career Change program gives you the insights and tools you need to transform yourself and your career so you can make the difference you are meant to make. The program cuts through the fears, doubt and confusion that keep you from getting traction, and lays out a clear path to the bigger contribution awaiting you.
There are three phases to the Purpose-Based Career Change program, which often overlap in the course of your personal process:
- Purpose clarification: Uncover the essential being, essential doing, message and mission components of your life purpose, including how your natural transformational impact works and with whom, plus what language will inspire those you are meant to serve.
- Inner conflict resolution: Learn how to transform and utilize the resourcefulness of the resistant parts of your psyche that keep you from following your calling, such as the inner critic, the taskmaster and the rebel.
- Career integration: Translate the specific details of your purpose plus other ideal work factors into career options, then develop and execute a strategy to make the transition.
Why is this approach so effective?
Many leaders make the error of trying to make a difference without understanding the necessity of first transforming themselves.
One of the most striking aspects of this approach is that, rather than pushing against or trying to eliminate inner resistance to change, it offers integration and partnership for those resistant parts of you that keep you from living your life purpose as your day job.
We don’t analyze results of an assessment and tell you what your path might be. We teach you several powerful tools that allow you to use your own inner wisdom to clarify your purpose, and develop a long-term plan as well as your day-to-day decisions. These tools can be used over and over again throughout your life as you continue to increase your contribution and influence.
Ultimately, the Purpose-Based Career Change program weaves together the precision of deliverables-based planning and execution with the depth of intuitive inquiry, integrating the best of both worlds. It gives you the fresh start and momentum you need to deliver the impact you are meant to make.
Unique benefits: Transferable tools to solve your current and future challenges:
- A unique process for converting the fears that stop you into a set of personal commitments for a purpose-directed career path
- A method to transform resistant parts of your psyche into resourceful allies for growth
- A precise multi-component description of your life purpose with open communication channels for ongoing inner wisdom advice in life and career decision-making
- Your study materials:
True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to Make is Tim Kelley’s groundbreaking book, included in the cost of the Purpose-Based Career Change program. As an introduction, we invite you to download a free chapter of Tim’s book.
- Tim Kelley’s guided meditation audio Know Your Purpose also included
- Other customized materials recommended depending on your objectives
This program is delivered over the course of several months in the following three formats:
Weekly Plan:
Weekly support gives you the consistent momentum to focus and follow through until you embody all you need to achieve as a purpose-based leader.
- Four 60-minute coaching sessions per month
- Email coaching support between sessions
- Weekly inquiries and action items based on your objectives and insights
Biweekly Plan:
A budget coaching format is available for those who prefer to have two meetings per month:
- Two 60-minute coaching sessions per month
- Email coaching support between sessions
- Weekly inquiries and action items based on your objectives and insights
3:1 Plan:
The best of both worlds is available by meeting three weeks each month:
- Three 60-minute coaching sessions per month
- Email coaching support between sessions
- Weekly inquiries and action items based on your objectives and insights
“I was deeply stuck at a career crossroads when I started working with Audrey. By the time we finished I had absolute clarity on the direction I wanted to take my career, in a way that didn’t feel possible before we started. We dug in to so much more than just my career direction in our sessions, helping me find strengths I’d been searching for for many years that had been elusively invisible to me. I recommend her without reservation!”
Chris Pryor
Senior User Experience Designer
“Audrey Seymour transformed my life. She exemplifies the radical power of coaching to change lives. Two years ago I was miserable at a startup company. My work/life balance was off, my pay was awful, and I was not living within my life’s purpose. I turned to Audrey for help.
“Together, we mapped out what my perfect year would look like, to engineer a life of integrity and peak experiences. Today, thanks to Audrey’s transformative work, I am now an inventor who is paid to do what I love. My peers respect me, I have ample room for spiritual reflection and travel, and I regularly meet with major companies to consult with them on invention and computers.
“I now live within my life’s purpose. If you want to change your existence, I encourage you to contact Audrey without hesitation.”
Brad Neuberg
Inventor and Software Engineer

“At age 53 I was laid off from my job of 5 years. What I valued most was Audrey’s ability to be deeply present, really listen & then to reframe my fears and confusion into more positive messages I could use to go forward. Audrey has the maturity, experience and wisdom to translate the language of the unknown into pathways to action. I would recommend her as a coach to anyone willing to explore the change they wish to make.”
Linda Brosh, RN
Health Care Administrator
“Audrey was a very effective and brilliant coach! She’s sharp, insightful, organized and positive, which helped me achieve my goals of feeling more empowered, gaining great clarity about my life purpose, keeping me motivated and holding me accountable. I was able to make great strides with regard to my life purpose and career objectives. She helped me integrate various ‘stuck’ and fearful parts of myself so that I could turn my dreams into concrete achievable steps.
“When I started work with Audrey I had a general, somewhat abstract sense of my life purpose, which turned into feeling focused, confident and clear by the time we finished our work. I whole-heartedly recommend her!”
Farina Chinoy, PhD
Psychologist and Integrative Coach
Is the Purpose-Based Career Change program a good fit for you?
If you would like to align your career direction with your life purpose, you are welcome to contact us for more information and to schedule a no-fee consultation. Appointments are available by phone or Zoom. We look forward to connecting with you!
True Purpose® Coach Training
Connect Your Individual Clients to Their Inner Wisdom and Purpose
Are you a change agent who wants to contribute to the paradigm shift emerging in the world today? Does the idea of helping your clients find their higher purpose resonate with you, transforming them so they can transform the world?
This advanced coach training program is for you if you:
- Are a practitioner serving clients on personal issues (for example: a coach, therapist, career counselor, spiritual advisor, hospice worker, HR professional, or pastor)
- Have at least a couple of years experience working with clients
- Want to add Tim Kelley’s True Purpose® coaching methodology to your private practice
True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to Make is Tim Kelley’s groundbreaking book. This book plus Tim’s guided meditation audio are study materials for your clients as part of the True Purpose program you will be trained to deliver. As an introduction, an excerpt of Tim’s book is free.
With this training you will receive all of the following:
- 12 weekly Zoom video conference meetings with downloadable video archives
- 12 weekly video mastermind meetings plus two monthly masterminds post-training
- A dedicated practice buddy or triad for the duration of the course, unless you choose the private format
- Three different methods for clearing your clients’ fears and limiting beliefs
- Five different methods for finding your clients’ life purpose
- 30 different criteria for validating any connection with a trusted source of higher guidance
- 10 different tests for verifying the accuracy of purpose statements
- A deeper understanding of your own life purpose
- A verbal communication channel with your higher guidance
- A complete manual of every technique, method and step in the process
- A True Purpose process worksheet to capture talking points and client homework for each session from your course notes
- Handouts to use with your clients
- Your copy of Tim Kelley’s book True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to Make
- Tim’s newly updated True Purpose Meditation set (three downloadable audios for your personal use)
When you complete the training you will also receive:
- A license to use this process with your one-on-one coaching clients as a Trained True Purpose® Coach
- Steep discounts on books and meditation audios to sell to your clients
- Periodic client leads and opportunities to assist in True Purpose® Institute programs
- Eligibility to enter the True Purpose® Coach Certification Program to become a Certified True Purpose® Coach
This course is not just about training you to be a coach skilled and confident in helping others find their true purpose. It is also about you more fully realising your true purpose. You cannot fully participate in this course and not undergo a transformation yourself… a re-alignment that brings joy to the heart.
As a career and transition coach I have coached entrepreneurial clients to find their purpose for over 10 years. During that time I have offered processes that were insightful but nothing like as embracing and potentially impactful as Tim Kelley’s process for discovering one’s true purpose.
This process, the one that you are taught and experience in this training, is a gem and I can’t wait to introduce it to the clients that come to me to discover their true purpose and make a difference in the world.
Fiona Miller
Live Your Truth Expert
I took the True Purpose® Coach Training with Audrey so I could be certified as a Purpose Coach. As such, I would be able to use the work for organizational and business change. Working with Audrey was very synchronistic. She’s a great teacher and coach. She is to the point, without being harsh. I learned more about the work I am doing in the world, simply by being in relationship with her. I have much more clarity about what it is that I do for my clients at the heart of it. I love this work and I’m excited about bringing it to more people!
Ebonni Bryant
Carrier, Bryant NE
The training was exhilarating and relaxing at the same time. I learned to trust my intuition more, and how to precisely shape the purpose work I do with clients with more tools. This work really enhances what I was doing. It was perfect timing as I was relaunching myself at the time. Audrey is masterful as a trainer and coach. The way she held the group allowed us to unfold in our own process yet she still kept us totally on track. I am very thankful for the training!
Ryan Rigoli
Soulful Brand
I always felt in my coaching practice I was lacking something very important. I knew I could help but I didn’t understand the structure of how I could help. Now with the True Purpose® process, I have a wonderful structure that fits into my niche and tools that are plentiful to move and shift my own clients past their resistance and fear into a purposeful life.
For me, the biggest benefit was not only the structure but going deep into parts work and the ego permission. I have really awakened into a powerful coach after this experience. I feel so blessed. Thank you, truly.
Connie Benedict
On Purpose Breakthrough & Abundance Coach, MoClar Moments, Your Moment of Clarity
The True Purpose® Coach Training is offered in a few formats:
- Private Individual or Group Trainings – Customized trainings are available for you or your private group, and we also are happy to pair you up with other students seeking a semi-private training – Contact us for more information.
- Public Group Trainings – We normally offer this annually in March through the True Purpose Institute. For more information about future public trainings please contact us.
This extraordinary program is much more than a vocational training; it is a profound, life-transforming process. It is designed for those who are serious about increasing their impact in the world through helping other change agents learn their higher purpose in full living detail.
Join our community of True Purpose® coaches if you are called!
True Purpose® Organizational Consultant Training
Connect Your Organizational Clients to Their Inner Wisdom and Purpose
As a change agent, you are called to show the way to a better world. Yet, the impact you can make is very limited when you only connect one person at a time to their higher purpose. Looking back, everything you’ve done up to now may have been only a warm up for what you really came here to do.
Imagine connecting organizations, teams and groups to their collective inner wisdom, unifying the inner and outer tools you already bring to the table. Imagine leading a much larger wave of change, by transforming collectives into instruments of purpose that bring inner guidance into business decision-making. Join us to heal the split between what you know is possible and the reality of current business practices.
This advanced consultant training is for you if you:
- Are a consultant trained in a whole-system alignment methodology such as COS, Appreciative Inquiry, Deep Democracy, or Sociocracy
- Are called to expand your higher purpose work to transform groups, teams, organizations and other collectives
- Are trained to facilitate the True Purpose® Process with individuals, or will have completed your training by the time the program begins
- Have started or completed the True Purpose® Coach Certification program, or will start by the time the program begins
With this training you will receive all of the following:
- 12 weekly 1.5-hour Zoom video conference calls with downloadable video archives
- A dedicated peer practice group for the duration of the course
- 6 months of monthly facilitated mastermind support following the program
- A complete manual of every technique, method and step in the process
- A temporary license to use this process with your practicum organizational clients until you are certified
- Mentor assessment for licensing as a Certified True Purpose® Organizational Consultant
The True Purpose®Organizational Training is offered in two formats:
- Private Group Trainings – Customized trainings are available for individuals or groups of consultants who have met the prerequisites. For more information please contact us.
- Public Group Trainings – We normally offer this every year or two through the True Purpose Institute in September. For more information about upcoming public trainings please contact us.
This extraordinary program is designed for those who are serious about increasing their impact in the world through guiding mission-based organizations to discover and integrate their higher purpose into their operations, marketing, hiring, and more.
Contact us to learn more about joining our community of True Purpose organizational consultants if you are called!