by digitalnomad | Aug 20, 2000 | Organization
Purpose Impact: To show people their path. Global Mission: To show humanity its path. Tim Kelley is a global change agent and internationally renowned expert on higher purpose. He works with top leaders in many fields and countries to redesign and evolve society. Tim...
by digitalnomad | Aug 20, 2000 | Organization
Purpose Impact: To help those who feel lost find their way home. Global Mission: To awaken humanity one dream at a time. Beth Scanzani is a highly respected and trusted guide for people on a path to conscious evolution and purposeful transformation. Through her work...
by digitalnomad | Aug 19, 2000 | Organization
Purpose Impact: To open up clarity and flow for those who have a mission but can’t see which way to go. Global Mission: To open up the circulating flow of humanity’s collective genius. One of my passions is to bring clarity of purpose and direction to help...